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Earth House Project

Become a Member of the Earth House Project!

Q: If I’m interested in all that legal stuff, where can I find Earth House’s Bylaws?
A: Here is a list of our current documents: Bylaws (PDF) – Ratified 9/18/2016 and Policies and Procedures Manual(PDF) 9/18/2016

Q: Why should I become a member of the Earth House Project?
A: To show your support for the idea of a Community Center that the Pagan Community can call it’s own.

Q: How do I join?
A1: Send your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address*, and a check in the amount of $20.00 PER PERSON made out to “Earth House Project” to Earth House Project P.O. Box 226 Shafer, MN 55074 OR…
A2: You may choose to include the membership fee when you register for the Midsummer Gather; the paperwork goes to the same place. OR…
A3: You can go to our online membership form. Please note that the online form is hosted by a secure, professional service and credit cards are processed through PayPal (PayPal account not needed).

Q: How much is it?
A: Only $20.00 per year for Associate (non-voting) Membership. Voting eligibility is contingent on fulfilling participation requirements.

Q: How long is my membership good for?
A: Membership is renewable July 1, and is valid until the next June 30.

Q: How much is it if I join after June 30
A: If you join after January 1st of any given year membership is only $10.00 for the balance of the year.

Q: OK, What do I get for being a member?
A: As a dues paid member, you get

  • Discounted rates for Earth House Project sponsored events

  • The potential to vote in the business meetings

  • Voting Members are eligible to run for office

  • The warm, inner glow of helping to further the building of community and an actual community center in one of the largest Pagan hotspots in the nation.

We are working on adding more benefits that will be available to all members regardless of when they join or how long they have been a member.

Q: Are there group rates? Say if my entire Coven, Grove, Tribe, Clan, etc. wanted to join, can we join as a group?
A: Sorry, at this time there are no group rates. Everyone can join, but it would still be $20.00 each person. We are currently looking at family membership rates.

Q: So how can I prove to others that I am a member of the Earth House Project?
A: If they won’t accept your word on the subject, then show them your Official Earth House Project Membership Card.

* = Include this information for each person joining. This information will only be used for internal Earth House Project purposes. This information will not be given out without written notification and consent, except as required by law. The e-mail addresses will be added to an Earth House Project e-mail distribution list. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time.

The Earth House Project exists for you.


Only with your help can we bring this dream to life