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Earth House Project

This pandemic has certainly changed all of our plans this year, and the Earth House MidSummer Gather is no exception. We had a full week of fellowship with workshops and concerts and rituals and feasts and all types of other shenanigans planned for you. While the pandemic has prevented us from physically coming together in fellowship, we will not let it keep us apart in Spirit.

We bring to you the VIRTUAL MIDSUMMER GATHER!!

All of our events this week may be attended on ZOOM.
(Click HERE if you need to download the app)

Each event will have the room link listed so you can find

it easily, and the password for all events is : visions

So please, come join us as often as you can throughout the week!!

MORNING COFFEE with Rick: Every morning starting at 7:00 am
Join us, please, and wake up with folks with a sense of humor.

<<This meeting room stays open all day even if no one is there!>>

SCHEDULE: The schedule of events is posted HERE, and there are still slots open if you would like to add to our fellowship.

MERCHANTS: please send us links to your sites if you have one, and if you do not, a limited display can be made for you with your contact info. (please use the Contact Us form)

Once we have merchant info, it will be available HERE.

DONATIONS: There is no cost whatsoever for you to attend any of the scheduled events, But as the Midsummer Gather has always been our main fundraiser, Donations are appreciated.

Additionally, we usually have a donation jar out for our camp hosts at Eagle Cave. They have been hit especially hard during this time because as a “seasonal” business, they do not qualify for any of the aid programs for small business. AND, they have been gracious enough to allow us to move our reservations forward to next year with no penalty. We can’t say enough about how wonderfully they treat us. If you would like to send a gift to them through Earth House, you can do that  HERE.

SILENT AUCTION: Yes, there will be one!!  You can find it HERE. Bid Often!! Bid High!! (proceeds are a donation to the Earth House Project of Minnesota). If you have items you would like to donate, please use the Item Donation form. The Silent Auction will END Saturday June 20th at 2:00 PM, winners will be notified via email and have 10 days to pay before the item will be passed on to the next highest bidder.

MIDSUMMER GATHER LOGO ART CONTEST: The theme for next year’s Gather will be :

“Rising From the Ashes”

Lend us your artistic talents by creating a themed logo for next years Gather, and you could become our Artist Guest of Honor.